■Description of JPCOAR Schema Terms
- Added the attribute of ‘xml:lang’ (ja-Latn)
■1 Title (dc:title)
- Modified the description of Notes
- Modified Recommended Examples
■2 Alternative Title (dcterms:alternative) / 3.5Creator Alternative (jpcoar:creatorAlternative) / 4.5 Contributor Alternative (jpcoar:contributorAlternative) / 20.2 Related Title (jpcoar:relatedTitle) /23.2 Funder Name (jpcoar:funderName)
- Modified the description of Notes
■3 Creator (jpcoar:creater)
- Added the attribute of ‘creatorType’
- Modified the description of Usage Instructions and Notes
- Modified Recommended Examples
■3.1 Creator Name Identifier (jpcoar:nameIdentifier) /
4.1 Contributor Name Identifier (jpcoar:nameIdentifier)
- Modified the description of Usage Instructions
- Modified the vocabulary (jpcoar:nameIdentifier@nameIdentifierScheme)(Not recommending NRID, kakenhi and GRID)
- Added the vocabulary (jpcoar:nameIdentifier@nameIdentifierScheme)(ROR: Institution Number in the Research Organization Registry)
-Changed the Vocabulary (e-Rad -> e-Rad_Researcher)
■3.2 Creator Name (jpcoar:creatorName) / 4.2 Contributor Name (jpcoar:contributorName)
- Added the attribute of ‘creatorType’ (nameType)
- Modified the description of Notes
■3.6 Affiliation (jpcoar:affiliation) / 4. Contributor (jpcoar:contributor) / 4.6.2 Contributor (jpcoar:affiliationName) / 23 Funding Reference (jpcoar:fundingReference)
- Modified and added Recommended Examples
■3.6.1 Affiliation Name Identifier (jpcoar:nameIdentifier)
- Modified the description of Usage Instructions
- Modified the vocabulary (jpcoar:nameIdentifier@nameIdentifierScheme)(Not recommending kakenhi and GRID)
- Added the vocabulary (jpcoar:nameIdentifier@nameIdentifierScheme)(ROR: Institution Number in the Research Organization Registry)
■4.6 Affiliation (jpcoar:affiliation)
- Modified Recommended Examples
■4.6.1 Affiliation Name Identifier (jpcoar:nameIdentifier)
- Modified the description of Usage Instructions
- Modified the vocabulary (jpcoar:nameIdentifier@nameIdentifierScheme)(Not recommending kakenhi and GRID)
- Added the vocabulary (jpcoar:nameIdentifier@nameIdentifierScheme)(ROR: Institution Number in the Research Organization Registry)
- Modified Recommended Examples
■8 Subject (jpcoar:subject)
- Added Recommended Examples (examples of research data)
- Added the vocabulary (jpcoar:subject@subjectScheme)(e-Rad field, JEL)
■10 Publisher (dc:publisher)
- Changed the Usage (MA -> R)
- Modified the description of Usage Instructions and Notes
- Partially deleted Unrecommended Examples
■12 Date (datacite:date)
- Modified the description of Usage Instructions and Notes
- Added Recommended Examples (where there is a range of dates)
■15 Resource Type (dc:type)
- Revised the vocabulary (Resource Type Vocabulary Appendix)
■16 Version (datacite:version) / 43.5 Version (datacite:version)
- Modified the description of Usage Instructions
■18 Identifier (jpcoar:identifier)
- Changed the Usage (MA -> M) and Occurrence (0-N -> 1-N)
- Modified the description of Notes
■20 Relation (jpcoar:relation)
- Modified the description of Notes
- Added Recommended Examples (examples of research data, digital archives)
- Added the vocabulary (jpcoar:relation@relationType)(inSeries, isCitedBy, Cites)
■20.1 Related Identifier (jpcoar:relatedIdentifier)
- Modified the description of Notes
- Modified the vocabulary (Not recommending NAID)
※”currently not using PMID” deleted due to incorrect description.(2024/10/22)
- Added the vocabulary (CRID)
■23.1 Funder Identifier (jpcoar:funderIdentifier)
- Changed the Element Name (datacite:funderIdentifier -> jpcoar:funderIdentifier)
- Modified the description of Usage Instructions and Notes
- Modified the vocabulary (jpcoar:funderIdentifier@funderIdentifierType)
(Not recommending GRID)
- Added the vocabulary (jpcoar:funderIdentifier@funderIdentifierType)
(e-Rad funder: Funding Agency Code in The Cross-Ministerial R&D Management System [e-Rad], ROR: Institution Number in the Research Organization Registry)
- Added the attribute of ‘funderIdentifierTypeURI’
- Modified Recommended Examples
■23.5 Award Number (jpcoar:awardNumber)
- Changed the Element Name (datacite:awardNumber -> jpcoar:awardNumber)
- Added the attribute of ‘awardNumberType’
- Modified Recommended Examples
■43.1 URI (jpcoar:URI)
- Modified the description of Usage Instructions
- Added the vocabulary (jpcoar:URI@objectType)(iiif: IIIF Manifest URI)
■43.2 File Format (jpcoar:mimeType)
- Changed the name of the terms (Format -> File Format, Format -> File Format)
■43.3 Extent (jpcoar:extent)
- Changed the name of the English term (Extent -> Size)
■43.4 Date (datacite:date)
- Modified the description of Usage Instructions
- Added Recommended Examples (where there is a range of dates)
■Deleted terms
■New terms
- 11 Publisher Information (jpcoar:publisher)
- 11.1 Publisher Name (jpcoar:publisherName)
- 11.2 Publisher Description (jpcoar:publisherDescription)
- 11.3 Publication Place (dcndl:location)
- 11.4 Publication Place (Country code) (dcndl:publicationPlace)
- 13 Date Literal (dcterms:date)
- 23.3 Funding Stream Identifier (jpcoar:fundingStreamIdentifier)
- 23.4 Funding Stream (jpcoar:fundingStream)
- 36 Edition (dcndl:edition)
- 37 Volume Title (dcndl:volumeTitle)
- 38 Original Language (dcndl:originalLanguage)
- 39 Extent (dcterms:extent)
- 40 Physical Format (jpcoar:format)
- 41 Holding Agent (jpcoar:holdingAgent)
- 41.1 Holding Agent Name Identifier (jpcoar:holdingAgentNameIdentifier)
- 41.2 Holding Agent Name (jpcoar:holdingAgentName)
- 42 Dataset Series (jpcoar:datasetSeries)
- Catalog Information
- 44 Catalog (jpcoar:catalog)
- 44.1 Hosting Institution (jpcoar:contributor)
- 44.1.1 Hosting Institution Name (jpcoar:contributorName)
- 44.2 Identifier (jpcoar:identifier)
- 44.3 Title (dc:title)
- 44.4 Description (datacite:description)
- 44.5 Subject (jpcoar:subject)
- 44.6 License (jpcoar:license)
- 44.7 Rights (dc:rights)
- 44.8 Access rights (dcterms:accessRights)
- 44.9 Thumbnail (jpcoar:file)
- 44.9.1 Thumbnail URI (jpcoar:URI)